Saturday, 25 September 2010

ePuffer International

Welcome to ePuffer International Inc. UK Europe
ePuffer Original Electronic Cigarette - Is the newest state of the art electronic device that looks like a regular tobacco cigarette. It contains no tobacco, no carbon, no tar or carcinogens and other harmful products of combustion. ePuffer delivers the same pleasure of smoking and mental activity, as after a smoked tobacco cigarettes, but without a significant risk to health.
Carbon monoxide, toxic tar and other cancer-causing chemicals - all remain in the past. Now you can smoke at any time and any place convenient to you, without hurting yourself, people you care about and not causing any damage to our mother nature.

About Us

ePuffer® is a Global company and world leader in electronic cigarette manufacturing industry with Headquarters in North America, United Kingdom and China.

We offer a full range of electronic smoking devices to over one million smokers in 26 countries.

We design, manufacture and distribute electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars, electronic pipes, e-liquid, cartridges and accessories. Through variety of products that we develop, we become and integral part of how people enjoy and love their smoke free lives.

Danger of smoking


  1. Second-Hand smoking is also very dangerous
    More than 10,000 non-smokers will die this year due to tobacco use -- over 1000 lung cancer deaths and at least 3000 deaths from coronary heart disease will be caused by second-hand smoke.Tar coats your lungs like it does the roads. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in a mug full of tar every year. Tar damages the hairs that clean the lungs and it inflames the air sacs. Mucus builds up and this results in the smokers' cough. Eventually it causes bronchitis and emphysema. It also yellows the teeth, hands and skin.

    Carbon Monoxide robs your brain, heart and muscles of oxygen. Carbon monoxide combines with nicotine to thicken the blood. This can cause heart attacks and stokes, blood clots in the limbs and amputation. 3 out of 4 deaths from heart attacks in men are due to smoking.

    Poison Common uses
    Acetone Nail Varnish Remover
    Acetic Acid Vinegar
    Ammonia Cleaning agents
    Arsenic Ant poison
    Benzene Petrol Fumes
    Cadmium Batteries / Smelling Salts
    Carbon Monoxide Poisonous gas from Exhaust Fumes
    Carbon Tetrachloride Dry Cleaning fluid
    DDT Insecticide
    Formaldehyde Embalming fluid
    Hydrocarbons Jeyes Fluid / Care products
    Hydrogen Sulphide Stink Bombs
    Lead Batteries / Petrol Fumes
    Methanol Rocket fuel
    Methyl Isocynate responsible for Bhopal disaster
    Nicotine Insecticide
    Nitric Acic & Sulphuric Acid Power station emission
    Polonium-210 Radioactive fall-out
    Radon Radioactive gas
    Tars Road surfaces
    Tuolene industrial solvent

    What’s ePuffer Electronic Cigarette ?

    ePuffer Electronic Cigarette performs similarly to traditional smoking. It looks, feels and tastes like a cigarette or cigar, and delivers all the pleasures of smoking, without all the problems. The secret to what makes the Electronic Cigarette better than traditional smoking is what is inside this revolutionary new product. The non-flammable Electronic Cigarette is driven by modern microelectronic technology, a small rechargeable battery and a unique, safe replaceable cartridge containing water, propylene glycol, nicotine, a scent that emulates a tobacco flavor and a membrane to suspend the ingredients. When using the Electronic Cigarette, the act of inhaling or smoking it produces the tactile and craving satisfactions traditional smokers seek, and triggers a vaporizing process that releases a simulated smoke that is actually a vapor mist that harmlessly evaporates into the air within a few seconds.

    Why I Choose ePuffer instead of the traditional cigarettes ?

    Smoke it anytime, anywhere; not banned.No second-hand smoke. Costs less than tobacco smoking. With rechargeable batteries. Tastes like tobacco, but contains no tobacco. No carcinogens (safer than tobacco smoking). Virtually odorless; no lingering smell in clothes, home and car. Replicates behavioral and physical pleasures of smoking. Satisfies nicotin cravings. Easy to use (doesn't require matches, lighters or ignition). Won't stain your teeth and damage your skin. No more embarrassment or guilt.
    Not offensive to others.

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  3. Here at IEvapor Inc in California, CA. we offer a large selection of vape supplies . Looking for e-cigarettes, e-liquid, Vape mods and coils, or e-liquid? We have got you covered.
